Main Page

Page last edited 4,024 days ago
From Phuein's Wiki
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1 Modulate
1.1 Objects
1.2 AI
1.3 World
2 Track
2.1 Events
2.2 Watchers
3 Database

Welcome to the Node World Wiki!

This is an independent Virtual Game World Framework, which takes upon itself to conceptualize and demonstrate the best of online multiplayer gaming functionality.

The goal of this project is a fully functional Server-Client package that requires no programming for any world building or management. Also, any client of any graphical ability, can connect and seamlessly join the game world.

The Server

Composed of the Express module for HTTP functionality, and the SocketIO module for server-client communications, it is built with pure NodeJS.

The Clients

A simple text (MUD style) client, built from HTML, CSS, jQuery & the SocketIO client-side script. Demonstrating low requirements and easy interface with the server.

An HTML5 2D Canvas client, to demonstrates the seamless integration between client interfaces, inside the same game-world.

Instructions For Editing Pages

Authorized users can edit this wiki. Please, contact me to join in on the fun!

1. Do browse the wiki before adding content.

2. If you wish to make any change to a page, please check its' Discussion Page first. IF you make big changes, then fill-up the Summary box, as well.

3. Make an effort to keep pages easy on the eyes. Short lines. Short paragraphs. Lists and tables. Italic or Bold text formatting.

4. Whenever a page becomes considerably long or full, split it into sub-pages with the Internal Links (Ab button.)

5. For tables, use the [class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"] property, to avoid huge table spaces.

Thank You

More information may be found, in different formats, on my blog.

Cheers and Love,
Assaf Koss