To Do
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To Do List
Demo 0.1
- Testing Construct 2
- Concept UI System
- Concept Movement
- Concept World Structure
- Concept Quest System
- Concept Modding System
Demo 0.2
- NodeJS & ws (WebSocket) Server: Client ID, Positioning, and message transmission for chat.
- Server: Broadcast to all: ID, Positioning and messages.
- Server live on cloud at
- Server KeyPressed module for client listing by pressing C.
- Fixed Pathfinding: Reach target, animate according to direction (needs fixing.)
- WASD Movement.
- Chat input and output messages above players on screen with fading.
- OtherPlayer object instantiation and identification (global var' list with UIDs & IDs) for other players.
- Login system (with unique IDs and text file per user.)
- Buttons system (basic example with Summon Cow, Create Palace and Send Quest.)
- Fixed Pathfinding and Oceans (as solids.)
- Sound object with positioning and fade to pause/resume by distance.
- Zoom in/out/reset with mouse wheel, with Canvas to Layer position translation for Pathfinding.
- Z-Index positioning by collision, using Y axis (basic example with Drum.)
- Server: WorldObjects saved with type and ID.
- Buttons for OtherPlayers (only review Quest.)
Demo 0.3
- Basic world design (land masses & water bodies.)
- User login saves position and Quests.
- ...